IT Services San Diego | Fortress Networx is the Solution

Modern businesses rely heavily on technology to conduct daily operations. Unfortunately, most of them don’t take a strategic approach that involves proactive ongoing managed security updates and monthly maintenance. This is where Fortress Networx shines.

For nearly 30 years, Fortress Networx is IT services for San Diego companies.

If you’re a company that leaves their IT service and support to change and chance the danger of your valuable data becoming compromised increases daily 

What makes Fortress Networx the Best IT Services Provider in San Diego?

We’re the only IT services and support company that’s a two-time winner of the prestigious Better Business Bureau Torch Award for marketplace ethics.

Fortress Networx has served San Diego’s top professional firms, including legal practices and manufacturers, with customized managed service and IT support programs (for companies that have 10 to 200 employees) for over 25 years.

It all begins with a no-cost, no-obligation, complete IT systems evaluation

We conduct an end-to-end evaluation of every aspect of your business.

Then we tailor a custom plan for your business 

Our custom plan involves crucial feedback from you – company stakeholders – relative to your business goals and objectives.

We review our discovery and then prioritize a go-forward plan according to your wishes (and budget).

Many IT service businesses try to force-feed solutions that may not fit within a client’s budget. We are sensitive to your budgetary concerns and we’ll optimize our strategy based on these considerations.

Professional management and ongoing IT systems monitoring

Decades of ownership and responsiveness – we won’t leave you hanging!

Fortress Networx average client-partners work with us for over a decade.

Fortress Networx is part of your business TEAM. Whether you are expanding or contracting, having flexible and forward-thinking IT support is essential.

Learn more about our managed IT services and support, which includes; Cyber Security, Email Security, Backup & Data Recovery, and Network Support in San Diego, which can streamline your business processes. 

Cyber Security? IT Services provided by Fortress Networx of San Diego is here to help!

Beware! Just one errant click by an unsuspecting employee can grind your business instantly to a halt!

More often than not, your well-meaning employees are the weakest link in your company’s IT security defense chain.

Training employees about cybersecurity is not optional.

  • Policy Education
  • Enhanced Full Shield Protection
  • 99% protection from internet threats and keeps your business operations running smoothly
  • Provide step-by-step cyber security roadmap
  • Deploy our unique 8 Layers of Cybersecurity Defense System

Our monthly Managed service and support package ensures 24/7 monitoring, safety, and peace of mind so you can focus on the aspects of the business that put you in business in the first place! 

Email Security? Fortress has you covered with secure end-to-end email, plus its award-winning IT services in San Diego

Nearly 9 out of 10 emails are SPAM! Email security helps you filter unwanted email and frees up precious network resources; bandwidth and storage.

  • With email security becoming a top priority for businesses, robust email protection is offered. 
  • Peripheral protection expands its sphere instead of just guarding your firewall, server, or desktop.
  • Allow list and blocklist that authorized admins can edit anytime.
  • The spam archive of the last two weeks offers a sneak peek into spam emails.
  • Disaster Content Holding & Spooling offers a way out by storing the emails for up to 7 days instead of bouncing them back to the sender.

Avoid the Hassle of Data Management with our Most Advanced Backup & Data Recovery 

  • Too many business owners claim that data growth has become unmanageable
  • Network Attached Storage (NAS) device offers an incredible virtualization ability and becomes your standby server within a day.
  • NAS is a fantastic alternative to tape restorers that are error-prone and more complex
  • Real-Time backup speed, thanks to Incremental Forever technology
  • In some cases, allows data reconstruction in as little as 15-20 minutes
  • NAS creates an independent 256-bit encrypted tunnel and sends the data to two secure data centers for added security.

Ask our engineers about all of these NAS benefits at unbeatable rates.

Network Infrastructure is your Infrastructure’s fundamental building block

Fortress Networx employees network infrastructure standards for increased network uptime and availability.

  • Access your most critical systems when you need them!
  • Employ the fastest technologies for high-speed networks. 
  • Ensure that your network is PRIVATE, secure, and strong for a seamless gateway to your services, customers’ communications, and applications.
  • Working with Fortress, an experienced IT services San Diego firm helps to ensure your hardware and software run smoothly.

TRUE STORY: Fortress Networx Leads the Way for superior customer service in San Diego

A client of Fortress had an employee retreat in Hawaii. Many of their employees started to ask, “Where is our helpdesk guy?” They were eager to meet him.

The administrator had to explain that the “helpdesk guy,” was actually a Fortress employee, not one of their employees.

The administrator was so surprised by her own employee’s inclination to reach out and thank the helpdesk manager at Fortress, she had to share the story.

The experience, she explained, was a true reflection of Fortress’ service level, and the patience and care offered by Fortress’s helpdesk.

Fortress provided such a high level of care that their employees didn’t recognize their IT was outsourced.

When it comes to providing your small business with IT support, choose an experienced, proven partner who cares; choose Fortress Networx.

Contact Fortress Networx Today!

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